New International Version of Bible Updates as Better Manuscripts Emerge | Fact Check
Quotes Mark Goodacre, professor in the Department of Religious Studies
Quotes Mark Goodacre, professor in the Department of Religious Studies
Quotes Will Willimon, professor of the practice of Christian ministry in the Divinity School
Interview with Marc Brettler, professor in Judaic studies
Quotes David Eagle, assistant research professor of Global Health and Sociology and director of the Religion and Social Change Lab
Commentary by David Eagle, assistant research professor of global health and sociology
Mentions Richard B. Hayes, distinguished professor emeritus of New Testament in the Divinity School
Quotes Quinton Dixie, associate research professor of the history of Christianity in the United States and Black church studies
Quotes the Rev. Brent Strawn, a professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School
Commentary mentions Kara Lawson, head coach Duke of women’s basketball
Interview with the associate professor of American religious history