Marine Lab Connects with Coastal Neighbors
For the first time since 2019, the Duke University Marine Lab opened its doors to the local community
Quotes Matt Cartmill, professor emeritus of evolutionary anthropology
Quotes Ashutosh Kotwal, distinguished professor of physics
Quotes Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience; and Vanessa Woods, director of the Duke Puppy Kindergarten
Quotes Sairam Jabba, research scientist in the Anesthesiology Department in the School of Medicine
Quotes Adrian Bejan, distinguished professor of mechanical engineering
Interview with Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience
Quotes Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience; and Vanessa Woods, director of the Duke Puppy Kindergarten
Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience
Quotes Vanessa Woods, director of the Duke Puppy Kindergarten
Quotes Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience