Sale Of $1.9M Nantucket Beach House For $200K Spotlights U.S. Real Estate’s Climate Problem
Quotes Martin Smith, distinguished professor of environmental economics in the Nicholas School of the Environment
Quotes Martin Smith, distinguished professor of environmental economics in the Nicholas School of the Environment
Quotes Ellen Meade, research professor of economics
Interview with John Quelch, executive vice-chancellor at Duke Kunshan University
Commentary by Amber Holland, senior research associate and communications strategist with the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity
Quotes Binbin Li, associate professor of environmental science at Duke Kunshan University
Quotes Yehua Wei, associate professor of business administration in the Decision Sciences area in the Fuqua School of Business
Quotes Jimmie Lenz, visiting professor of financial economics
Quotes John Graham, professor of finance in the Fuqua School of Business
Interview with Michael Munger, economist, professor of political science, and director of the PPE Certificate Program
Quotes Connel Fullenkamp, professor of the practice of economics