Why Children Perceive Time Slower Than Adults
Quotes Adrian Bejan, distinguished professor of mechanical engineering
Duke’s research community is widely recognized for its collaboration and its ability to tackle difficult problems from fresh, new angles.
Quotes Adrian Bejan, distinguished professor of mechanical engineering
For the first time since 2019, the Duke University Marine Lab opened its doors to the local community
Duke-led research finds that anonymous conversations can reduce polarization
New study of baboons shows that a stressful upbringing can shorten life, but strong social bonds can help get those years back.
Research on C. elegans worms could point to new ways to stop tumor cells from metastasizing in humans
Four to 11-year-olds deem it wrong to attack either semi-intelligent robot
Lab launched in 2022 aims to ensure science has a seat in discussions about regulating human activity in outer space
Black women – regardless of neurological insult – ask fewer questions of health care providers
Quotes Adrian Bejan, distinguished professor of mechanical engineering
Interview with Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience
Quotes Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience; and Vanessa Woods, director of the Duke Puppy Kindergarten
Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience
Quotes Vanessa Woods, director of the Duke Puppy Kindergarten
Quotes Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience
Quotes Vanessa Woods, director of the Duke Puppy Kindergarten
Quotes Vanessa Woods, director of the Puppy Kindergarten, and Brian Hare, professor of evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience
Quotes Ashutosh Kotwal, distinguished professor of physics
Quotes Brian Hare, professor in evolutionary anthropology, psychology and neuroscience; and Vanessa Woods, director of the Duke Puppy Kindergarten