Climate and Immigration
Sarah Bermeo is associate professor of public policy and political science in the Sanford School at Duke University. Her current work examines the intersection of climate change with other drivers of migration, particularly in Central America. She is a frequent commentator in national and international news outlets and a contributor to Brookings Future Development blog.
(919) 613-7349;
Gunther Peck, associate professor of history, associate professor of public policy studies. Specializes in 19th and 20th century American social and cultural history, comparative immigration and labor studies, and environmental history.
(919) 668-5297;
Jen’nan Read is professor and chair of Sociology. She is an expert on racial and ethnic Census categories; health disparities among U.S. whites; Arab and Muslim classification and integration. Read was the lead expert representing the Population Association of America and American Population Centers in advising the Census and OMB on these updates.
(919) 660-5768;